What I Give

o•pin•ion: noun; a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge : I am writing to voice my opinion on a Matter of Grey Importance.

I am not a doctor or mental health professional. I am a clear thinker who specializes in sorting out the logic from the emotion and reflecting it back to you. My opinions are not fact and although I may suggest a course of action from time to time, please understand that I am not telling you what to do. I am merely sharing what I think I would do if faced with like situations. No question is off limits, but if I feel uninformed on a subject rendering me incapable of actually forming an honest opinion, I will refund your money. Disliking my answers is NOT grounds for a refund.

Please pay attention to the question you are asking. I can only give feedback on the information you include with your question. The simpler the question, the simpler the answer. For example, asking what I think about a song or a piece of writing requires much less information than matters of the heart where inclusion of important details which color you situation are very important. In the end, it’s your money, so think about what you ask before you ask it.

What You Get

In a world where you often do not know who you can trust, I seek to be the honest, anonymous, support you need. When you need a chute but can only find ladders, when you need one course of action in a sea of many, when you just don't know which end is up, give me a try.
I am more logical than the online tarot, more specific than your horoscope, and cheaper than a psychic.
I am your human resource department.

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